June 5 Meeting

Patty Hankins

Join us Monday, June 5, at 6:30 p.m. for our monthly meeting in the Kitzinger Room of the James City County Library, 7770 Croaker Rd., Williamsburg. (This is the library in Norge). 

Returning guest photographer Patty Hankins presents her new program: Adding a Sense of Depth. We live in a three dimensional world that our cameras capture in only two dimensions. Patty will be sharing both composition tips for use in the field and post-processing techniques you can use to add a sense of depth to your photos. Patty is a flower and landscape photographer in the Washington, DC area and author of Wildflower Meditations: A Gift for the Spirit. She leads several photography workshops and photo tours each year including flower photography, landscape photography, and photo editing. Visit her website at: BeautifulFlowerPictures.com

Monthly photo theme is Flowers & Blooms

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