August 8 Meeting

Join us for our August meeting at the James City County Library, 7770 Croaker Rd., Williamsburg, VA, at 6:30. Note that this is the 2nd Monday, not the usual 1st Monday of the month. Our guest speaker will have a presentation called “Life on the James.”

The WRL website has the following message- Face masks are currently strongly encouraged inside the library for all individuals ages 2+, regardless of vaccination status. Masks are available at all library service desks.

Membership theme: Birds and Feathers. Send your photos to Craig by August 6.

June Meeting: Preparing Your Images for Printing

The June meeting of the Colonial Nature Photography Club, CNPC, will be held on 6 June at 6:30 PM in the Kitzinger Room of the JCC Library on Croaker Road. The presentation is Preparing your images for Printing by Resa Reid of Printwell here in Norge.

The members’ photo theme is Reflections.