Brian Lockwood aka ‘JetSki Brian’ will present at our next meeting, Monday, November 2, at the James City County Library, 7770 Croaker Rd., Williamsburg. The meeting starts at 6:30.
Member photo theme: Travel.
Brian Lockwood aka ‘JetSki Brian’ will present at our next meeting, Monday, November 2, at the James City County Library, 7770 Croaker Rd., Williamsburg. The meeting starts at 6:30.
Member photo theme: Travel.
Join us Monday, October 5, at 6:30 p.m. at the James City County Library, 7770 Croaker Road for our October meeting. Liza Eckardt will present “Tips to Stand Out in a Modern Day Blur.”
Member photo theme is Trees.
Member photo assignment is to watch the video “Ten Deadly Sins of Composition.” We will discuss this at the October meeting.
Labor Day is September 7. The library is closed and we will not be meeting on that day. Join us Monday, September 14, at the James City County Library, 7770 Croaker Road, Williamsburg.
CNPC Member Bob Schamerhorn will present “Our Wonderful Wood Warblers”
This multimedia program presents the indisputable beauty and diversity of some of our smallest, yet most brilliant, family of birds. Sighting and viewing Warblers is the passion of many birdwatchers, because of their diversity and esthetics. Plus, most species are only present in our area for brief periods during their spring and fall migrations. What can make identification difficult and complicated is that many species have an entirely different plumage at different times of the year. This is a great ID refresher course in preparation for migration. Covers numerous native warbler species and discusses their preferred habitats and identification details–both by sight and by song. Presented in colorful photography and HD video, accompanied with each species’ song. A great program for learning or re-learning these unique birds, or just to sit and enjoy their sound and beauty.
Member photo theme for September is Wildlife.
Also, we tried this for the August meeting, and a couple people did it. We’re leaving it open for the September meeting, too, in case anyone else wants to try it. in addition to the September theme “wldlife,” this takes the place this month of the photo fix. Your task is to take a picture each day for seven days in a row. The categories are provided below. This will take some work on your part to coordinate getting a picture each day in the category for that day. If this works out, we may expand it to 10 days or maybe more.
Be creative, have fun!
Day 1 – Sun
Day 2 – Flowers
Day 3 – Shadows
Day 4 – Sky/Clouds
Day 5 – Red
Day 6 – Water
Day 7 – Tree