March 3 Meeting

Join us at 6:30 on Monday, March 3, at the Stryker Center, 412 Boundary St., Williamsburg. CNPC President Glenn Woodell will be giving a presentation on his recent trip to Kenya.

Members photo theme is Winter Wonderland

February Meeting

Join us on Monday, February 3, at the Stryker Center, 412 Boundary Street (near the Police Station and the Williamsburg Library) for our February meeting. We will be reviewing all the entries in the annual CNPC contest.

Note that this is not the usual place for our meetings; the James City County library is not available due to tax preparation volunteering.

Member photo theme: Shadows and Silhouettes

January 6 Meeting CANCELLED

CANCELLED due to nasty weather Join us Monday, January 5, at 6:30 in the Kitzinger Room at the James City County Library, 7770 Croaker Rd., Williamsburg. We will show all the photos that were entered into the 2024 Annual Contest.

Member photo theme: Top three from 2024. Members, send your top three photos of the year to Craig by midnight, January 5.

November 4 Meeting

Join us Monday, November 4, at 6:30 p.m. at the James City County Library, 7770 Croaker Rd., Williamsburg (Norge).Dave Reubush will show us his underwater photography.

Member meeting theme: Color, color, color